Friday, 16 August 2013

sandwiches: round 20: mystery of the meat loaf identity crisis

Dave's Turkey Meat Loaf Canapés (left plate, clock-wise from bottom-right)...
a) Plain - simply AS's turkey meat loaf on gluten-free bread.
b) Plain, Sleeping - here, we put the meat loaf on a bed of white rice atop a box-spring of bread.
c) Baconnaise - Bread, meat loaf, baconnaise; simple and sophisticated at once!
d) English Formal - The Plain with Worcestershire and "Ketchup Style Sauce."

DM on DM: As we didn't exchange sandwiches this time (a first, I believe), I will only be reviewing my canapé quarters...
a) Excellent. AS's meat loaf was delicious. The bacon within it did not shine so much as it did when fried the next day, but I imagine that I'd know the difference if it was taken out.
b) Also excellent. I liked it better with the rice.
c) This year from AS's brother and family, bacon was the theme. This sandwich was a gift for all 4 bites. Baconnaise will surely sit on shelves for the long-term, nestled reliably between "Sandwich Spread" and A1 Sauce.
d) My favourite. Meat loaf, catsup/ketchup, and Lea & Perrin's is a triumvirate of taste and comfort.

Angelica's Turkey Meatloaf Squared (right plate, clock-wise from bottom right)
a) Euro Style - meatloaf topped with Mayo 
b) Asian Style - meatloaf on rice
c) Texas Style - meatloaf on BBQ sauce
d) Plain - meatloaf + bread

AS on AS:
a) I haven't eaten a savory food that couldn't be improved with a little mayo. No exception here - mayo made it even more delicious.
b) Surprisingly enjoyable. The double carb combo elevated the bite from appetizer to main.
c) My least favourite. I always think I'm going to like the addition of BBQ sauce to a dish, and then all I end up tasting is BBQ sauce.
d) As simple as can be and wonderfully delicious (although I agree with DM that the meatloaf was better the next day fried - it brought out the bacon flavour and improved the texture).

No competition this round, but I'm looking forward to trading half sandwiches again soon. (By the way, there is no official entry for it, but I'm going to give a special mention to DM's peanut butter, jam, dried current sandwiches from the day he proposed - and which we consumed out at our elementary school grounds. They were as delicious as any sandwich I have ever had. xoxo).

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