Tuesday, 5 August 2008

sandwiches: round 08: italian theme

Inspired by the best rice bread to date, a Focaccia, an Italian theme tonight...

Dave's Fietza: canned pizza sauce, gypsy salami, salty black olives*, cheese**, nectarine, on rice focaccia

Angelica's Pesto (Almost-)Panini: roasted turkey breast, smoked applewood cheddar, pesto, tomato, green onion, post-baking mayo, on rice focaccia

Sides & Drinks: pistachio ice cream, fizzy Merlot

In the Background: episode 7 re-run

Angelica on Angelica's' Pesto Almost-Panini: this sandwich was a bit of a mystery to me. The flavours were all separated out by layer and yet every bite, every mouthful tasted identical throughout. One could not pick out any individual flavour the next, despite some of the flavours normally standing out on their own quite easily. I haven't decided yet if I liked this property or not. There is something to be said for consistency (especially when the flavour is fantastic), but then again, there is something appealing about the progression of flavour throughout a bite or an expected flavour in a bite. I did enjoy the flavour medley of this sandwich very much, but it bordered on pleasant, rather than wow. And I think it could have benefited from an open face format...I think that that somehow that format alone might have elevated it to more of a wow.

Angelica on The Fietza: in contrast to my wallflower panini, this sandwich bounded in with flavour screaming out in various proportions in every bite...olives one moment, cheese the next, the pepper rind of the salami the next, the meaty part of the salami the next and then moments of subtle nectarine sweetness. All fantastic flavours, but there were moments of flavour overload and richness that could have done with a pause, a more simple, more balanced bite inbetween to separate one decadent moment from the next. But overall, this sandwich knew how to wow.

DM on Angelica's' Pesto Almost-Panini: hearty and tasty is a combination not easily achieved, but it is here. Angelica and i diverged in our approaches, creating (as we have both noted in person) a difficult time comparing our creations. but i like where she went with the Italian theme and tasted the 'Italy' in this one. this was a great achievement, i think, as the theme was experienced on two important levels: taste and heartiness.

DM on the Fietza: i remember thinking that the bread could have been wider. otherwise, i would have had to put less on this piece of bread to get the correct proportions. on the other hand, maybe a towering mound of ingredients is the best way to prepare a Fietza (fiesta pizza). i think it worked out in any case, and like most sandwiches, the fall-out is my ante-appetizer, a chance to try some of the ingredients on their own after the event. i enjoyed the combination of sweet and spicy, as always, and i can see how widely contrasting flavours are becoming my pursuit and signature. i was happy with this one.

AS's pick of the night: I feel my choices tonight are really between not enough of a good thing and too much of a good thing with tonight's sandwiches. One good as comfort food and one for moments of decadence. In the spirit of this competition though, I have to go with decadence. And Number 6 too, I think would have gone for decadence.

DM's pick of the night: this is a tough one for me, as i really liked Angelica's creation. though i like where i am going with the Fietza concept, i think, as Angelica said, less might have been more. her sandwich on the other hand hit the mark she aimed for and was a piece that in its exact form i would like to have again. on that basis, i give the win to the Pesto Almost-Panini.

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